SHAVUOT | PENTECOST – May 27th @ 11:00am
“The Fruit of the Holy Spirit, Love, Joy, and Peace “
Shavuot is one of the three major festivals that all the men of Israel were required to make the journey to Jerusalem to attend. It marks the end of spring, and the beginning of summer and the harvest.
In ancient Israel, agriculture was the basis of the economy, and the nation’s wealth and welfare were tied to the Land. God wanted Israel’s approach to agricultural success to be different from that of all the other nations. If we obeyed God and His Word, there would be plenty of rain and an abundant harvest. If we disobeyed, we would find a shortfall at harvest time.
On Shavuot, the nation of Israel was expected to bring the first fruits of the wheat crop to God. Giving the Lord the firstfruits of the harvest was a way of showing Him our gratitude and declaring that all our wealth ultimately comes from Him. It is right to offer to God the firstfruits, the beginning and the best of the harvest. Therefore Shavuot teaches us to regard all of God’s gifts with gratitude, returning to Him, in the form of the firstfruits, that which we receive.
During Passover, we offered to God the firstfruits of the barley harvest. That was symbolic of Yeshua’s resurrection. Fifty days later we returned to Jerusalem to offer the firstfruits of the wheat harvest. The harvest was extended from the barley to the wheat. Fifty days after Yeshua rose from death His followers were gathered together in Jerusalem and the Spirit that raised Him from the dead was poured out on His first disciples. The Messiah Yeshua (Jesus) died on Passover to atone for sin, then He rose from death to overcome death. Forty days later He ascended to heaven, and from there He sent His Spirit on Shavuot to enable us to overcome sin and experience victory in our lives.
We invite you to come and join us for our Shavuot (Pentecost) celebration! We will be coming together as a community and inviting the Holy Spirit to come and fill us. You do not want to miss this exciting event.