Dear Mishpacha (family),
Danielle and I would like to personally thank all of you that blessed us with cards and monetary gifts as your pastors. We read every card and thank you all for your kind words and affirmation. I save all the cards that we receive in a box and pull them out from time to time to reflect on. I cannot say enough good things about my wife of 25 years, she has faithfully served as the pastor over the Children’s Ministry. You can be assured that your children have a good covering and someone who has experience with children. She is faithful and seems to always have a good attitude as she serves the next generation. The vision of Beit Tehila is to build a strong community and raise up the next generation. It is going to take all of us to fulfill this vision for the Community of Beit Tehila.
As the month of January comes to a close, we have so much to be grateful for and so much to look forward to. It seems the state of Florida is really experiencing some colder weather and it even snowed in the Panhandle. I have been turning on the heat and setting my thermostat to 70 degrees. We all need to enjoy this cool weather while we can because we all know what’s coming. I believe this next year is going to be exciting and inspiring.
How many of you enjoyed the inauguration of President Trump on January 20th? We can expect great things from this new government and we all need to continue to pray for President Trump. Pastor Tikvah and Tim have some special prayers that you can pray for President Trump so feel free to ask them.
The Holy Spirit inspired me that this next year is all about divine appointments and friendships. We need to be led of the Holy Spirit everyday and I know some of you are already experiencing divine appointments. What our Heavenly Father has deposited inside of you in regard to the torah is to share it with others when given the opportunity. As far as our friendships we need to strengthen the ones we have and make new ones. In Proverbs 18:24 it says, “A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother”. As I build up my friendships with other pastors I have had the opportunity to attend their church service and it was refreshing.
Late last year I was inspired to attend Sea Glass Church and Pastor David Oates was sharing about the subject of Spiritual Maturity. His resource was from a pastor in Queens, New York named Peter Scazzero and the title of the book was “Emotionally Healthy Spirituality”. On the cover it says, “It’s impossible to be spiritually mature while remaining emotionally immature”. As I sat and listened to this message it went right into my spirit for me personally. I am currently reading the book and look forward to share with the congregation in the future.
The Father is offering Beit Tehila the priesthood and most of you know when I was younger, I wanted to be a Catholic Priest. Not only do I get to be a priest but I get to be married and have children. In Exodus 19:5-6 it says, “Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine: and ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation. These are the words which thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel”. In Revelation 1:6 it says, “And hath made us kings and priests unto God and His Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen”. We are not only priests but kings as well to rule and reign with Him. What an awesome opportunity that we all get to participate and share it together.
Please mark your calendars for February 8th and 10th because Hanoch Young from Israel and our favorite tour guide will be with us. I know we will all be blessed as he shares about what is currently going on in Israel and on the Temple Mount. We are truly witnessing the restoration and the regathering of both Houses of Israel (Ephraim and Judah). I pray that the Lord gives you the desires of your heart as you live for Him and His purpose.
Shalom, Pastor Nick