Psalm 90:12 “So, teach us to number our days, that we may get a heart of wisdom.” Let me get right to the point about the most unique, special, and important season on the LORD’s calendar (and ultimately, yours too).
What’s the big deal about counting the omer during the Pesach Season? And, no, I’m not going to give you a short, simple answer today. Instead, I want to pique your interest in this mystery which has governed my life for over 10 years.

Deuteronomy 29:29a says, “The secret things belong unto the LORD our God” and I’ve found this to be one of them. The Omer Season, which occurs during the Pesach Season, is the longest, single season of the LORD at 50 days. It starts and ends with agricultural actions; but is far more than that. The literal, surface view is almost comical – count from 1-50. That’s what Leviticus 23:15 and 16 say. But huh? What is the LORD really saying? Why do you and I have to do it? Of course you can count and a lot higher than that. So why do you have to prove it year after year? What if anything are you to do? How are you to do it? Where and when are you to do it? Well, something happened in Exodus 16 that means a great deal to the LORD. So much so that He wants it remembered for 50 days every spring, every year! Not just on a few days as other happenings are, but 50 days. Why? This is not easily answered, just as it has not been easily studied, and I am positive there’s more yet to be uncovered.
But I will share my understandings every Sabbath for the duration of the season as they apply to Yeshua and you. I am not a Bible scholar nor do I read and understand Hebrew; thus my teachings come from English translations where I have searched for “secret things” from Genesis to Revelation. I will start by laying a foundation with scriptures and definitions; proceed into the various actions performed in the past on the field (harvesting, threshing, winnowing, parching, milling, and sifting), in the temple (offering), and in the home (counting and baking); and conclude with future implications for all of the children of the LORD by unraveling the mystery of the wedding garments! So, I invite you to come with me and the rest of our family as we grow in the knowledge, understanding, and wisdom of the LORD as He teaches us how “to number our days”.
If you have questions about how to count the Omer in your home, please contact our ministry office for more information at 813-654-2222 or by emailing Info@ToPraise.net.
Baruch atah, Adonai Eloheinu, Melech ha Olam, asher kidshanu b’mitzvotav vitzivanu al sefirat ha omer.
Blessed are You, O Lord our God, King of the universe, whose commandments add holiness to our lives; and who gives us the command of counting the Omer.
“Today is __ days, which is __weeks and __ days of the counting of the omer.”