Teaching the Hebrew Roots

of the Christian Faith

September Monthly Newsletter

Dear Mishpacha (family),

I always start out the monthly newsletter with “Dear Mishpacha” which is Hebrew for family. I have        always loved the concept of family. The word family can be defined as a group of one or more parents and their children living together as a unit. The word family can also mean all the descendants of a common ancestor. We are all descended from Adam and Eve. When God called out Abraham to follow Him, He told him that his descendants would be like the stars in the heaven (Genesis 15:5). You could even say that Abraham is our father and Sarah is our mother (Isaiah 51:2). When Abraham believed God, it was accounted to him for righteousness (Genesis 15:6). As I have had the opportunity to sit in my Heavenly Father’s presence throughout the week, He has been loving on me and showing me His will; this is very comforting. Pastor Chuck Ammons from Overflow Church stated that “The sons and daughters who rest in the Lord are the ones who run with Him”. Have you ever heard the saying, “They are running around like a chicken with their head cut off?” I have personally experienced this, and it’s not good or productive. As my Heavenly Father has asked me to accomplish some things for Him, I obliged, and am so excited to share it with our community. I feel confident and full of hope that the family of Beit Tehila can accomplish what our Heavenly Father wants. Beit Tehila has a rich history of fulfilling the kingdom of God and moving forward. Now is not the time to be self-centered or selfish, but to think of others more highly than ourselves (Philippians 2:3).

As I watch my son Nehemiah coach the high school soccer team at New Jerusalem Christian Academy (NJCA), his strategy is to keep the ball at the other end of the field of the opposite team; this is called  playing offense. Devin Ethridge, who is a Senior at NJCA, and serves on the media team at Beit Tehila also plays on the soccer team as a defender. I have had the pleasure of watching him hustle to the ball and kick it down the field towards the other teams goal post. His main job is to keep the ball on the opposite side of the field to score a goal. Even the game of soccer can teach you about the Kingdom of God, and now is not the time to shrink back, but be on the offense (Hebrews 10:39).

Don’t forget that the armour of God only protects you in the front and there is no protection in the back (Ephesians 6:10-17). Now that I have shared all of that I want to remind everyone that the “Season of Teshuvah” is upon us and this is a serious time. It starts on September 3rd eve (Elul 1) to October 12th eve (Tishrei 10). “Teshuvah” literally means to “return” and is the word used to describe the concept of “repentance.” John the Baptist prepared the way for Yeshua the first time He came, and we must be the ones preparing the way for His second return. The Season of Teshuvah is a time for each man to annually examine his own personal life. It is a time to restore relationships between men as well as God.

Your success in life will not be determined by monetary value, but by your relationship with God and with each other. The season of Teshuvah actually ends on the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) which is on Tishrei 10 (October 12th eve). Every year we do a 21-day Daniel Fast that begins on the First Day of    Teshuvah (Elul 1 Eve\September 3rd eve). We have handouts in our foyer. You can also call the office for more information. Please feel free to email me at pastornick@topraise.net if you have any questions.  Daniel fasted for the people of Israel and for the holy city of Jerusalem (Daniel 9:19). You can find Daniel’s 21 day fast in Daniel 10:2-3.

If you are a non-Jew or a Gentile you are grafted into the olive tree as wild olive branches and a part of the common wealth of Israel (Romans 11:17-18; Ephesians 2:11-13). We have been following the feasts of the Lord for many years, and it is considered a rehearsal for when Yeshua comes to fulfill the fall feasts (Trumpets, Atonement, and Tabernacles) in the future. At Beit Tehila I believe that we have one of the best messages in town, and we need to not only live it, but share it with others. Keep praying for the city of Brandon to be saved, healed, and delivered.

I am excited to announce that Pastor Giovanni Muñoz and his worship team with Abide Church is coming to minister at Beit Tehila on September 14th at the 11AM service. Together we are the Church of Tampa Bay.

~Shalom, Pastor Nick